How to sign up
Here's what to do to get access to all the resources on our site.
- Click the Get Access button in the menu, and you'll be taken to the options for subscriptions.
- Choose between Monthly or Yearly billing, and click "Start Subscription" to add that to the cart.
- In the cart, verify you have the correct Access Pass (and only quantity of 1), and proceed to checkout.
- In the checkout, fill out your personal and billing details, as well as choose a username and password.
- If your email already exists in the system, it will prevent you from adding a second account. Log into the original account, or enter a different email address.
- Your password should ideally be a Medium or Strong password, containing combinations of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
- If you have a coupon code, enter that at the very top of the checkout (not in the "gift card" field).
- If you have a Gift Card, enter that above the payment method.
- Enter your payment method—either credit or debit card via Stripe, or PayPal account.
- Consent to the terms and conditions.
- Complete checkout.
- You'll see the completed order page next, and you're ready to get started!