How to sign up

Here's what to do to get access to all the resources on our site.

  1. Click the Get Access button in the menu, and you'll be taken to the options for subscriptions.
  2. Choose between Monthly or Yearly billing, and click "Start Subscription" to add that to the cart.
  3. In the cart, verify you have the correct Access Pass (and only quantity of 1), and proceed to checkout.
  4. In the checkout, fill out your personal and billing details, as well as choose a username and password.
    • If your email already exists in the system, it will prevent you from adding a second account. Log into the original account, or enter a different email address.
    • Your password should ideally be a Medium or Strong password, containing combinations of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  5. If you have a coupon code, enter that at the very top of the checkout (not in the "gift card" field).
  6. If you have a Gift Card, enter that above the payment method.
  7. Enter your payment method—either credit or debit card via Stripe, or PayPal account.
  8. Consent to the terms and conditions.
  9. Complete checkout.
  10. You'll see the completed order page next, and you're ready to get started!
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